Stacy Nash Primitive Designs
6844 Silver Tree Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A new finish....

I finished this sweet little Sewing Roll's the ~Scattering Moments Sewing Roll~ that will soon be a pattern. It rolls up and fastens closed with an old button and wool cute.
By the end of the week I'll have 4 new patterns to be released.....woo hoo!!!
I'm so ready to get some new patterns out there. And I'll have many more to come.
My poor little hands can't stitch fast enough to get all these new ideas out : )

And soon I'm going to release a list of patterns that will be discontinued at the end of the year. But never fear....they will be replaced with lots of new patterns.
Some will be gone forever and a few will be re-done and offered as a second edition.

And I just had the share this.....

I looked up from my stitching chair earlier today and I saw this.....a birdbath full of these sweet little things. They were having a good ol' time out there splashing around.
There were many more before I could get the camera....there was hardly room to squeeze even one more in and they splashed most of the water out.
I spent a few minutes watching them and got a pretty good chuckle. We're all enjoying the last little bit of sunny weather before winter sets in.

Have a wonderful day of stitching my friend....
The next time you hear from me I'll have the new patterns ready


Black Sheep Lisa said...

Oh goodie new patterns, i can hardly wait!!

basketsnprims said...

Can't wait for your new patterns to be released.

Doreen Frost said...

OH..I love this sewing roll..I shall have to get this when it comes out...I'm collecting a pile of your patterns it seems...LOL..:)

What an adorable pic...I LOVE seeing birds bathing..they are so sweet. Thanks for sharing :)

Have a wonderful day,

Rabbit Hill ~ Handmades by Jenn Tavoletti said...

Hi Stacy ~~ I love your photo of the little birdies, so very sweet. Looking forward to your new patterns. Enjoy your day! Jenn

Kris ~ Simply Prim said...

Yayyy!! I can't wait for new patterns! Thanks!!


From the Attic said...

Oh, I love the sewing roll. How lovely to have those birdies all taking a bath in your garden.


Elena - Gatti e Crocette said...

Hi Stacy,
so nice sewing roll, I love it!
Can't wait for your new patterns to be released.
Hugs Elena