Stacy Nash Primitive Designs
6844 Silver Tree Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

From Spring flowers to snowmen

Yesterday evening it started raining and then it turned to sleet and then finally at dinner time it turned to snow.
Wet heavy snow.
Taylor had a 2 hr. delay this morning so she stayed up a little late last night and made this guy.
He has cocoa puff eyes and an orange crayon for a nose : )
He is pretty cute.
And when we woke up this morning he was wearing a fresh blanket of snow.

It is very a winter wonderland.
But, it will be gone before you know it.
This weekend will be in the 60's and I know our sweet little
daffodils are waiting patiently for their turn to bloom.

I'm finally getting my act together now that I'm home from Nashville market.
And I am ready to stitch many ideas bouncing around in my head.
Two of them I am so excited about I can hardly stand it.
The first one.....just think of old flag bunting draped around a porch, the warm summer sun, kids running around bare foot, picnics and green grass.

The second one......well, just let me say that all you Halloween junkies are gonna be happy.
I think tomorrow I'll pull some linen and threads and see if I can get a start on them.

Off to bed now....we're all fighting off a bug.  Poor Taylor is so droopy tonight and I'm feeling pretty crummy myself.  A little sleep will be good for all of us.

Happy Stitching My Friends...



jennifer768 said...

Sweet little snowman.I can hardly wait for those warmer temps this weekend.Hope that you all feel better soon.Hugs,Jen

basketsnprims said...

I for one am ready for spring, we are buried in snow up here in Michigan. Your two new projects sound wonderful. Tell taylor I love her snowperson.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Taylor snowman is cute!!!
I'm wishing for spring too our temps are suppose to be in the 40s this weekend ~ I'll take it!!!
Your patterns swirling around in your head sound wonderful ~ can't wait to see them ~ especially the Halloween one!
Hope you feel better today!
Prim Blessings

cucki said...

aww cutie snowman..
hope you feel better soon dear..
big hugs x